Retail sector buoyant & healthy after first quarter

Retail industry had a sluggish last year but the first quarter of this year observes recovery with positive approach from consumers. Retail players are now moving ahead in confidence with reasonable growth compared to last year. Sales figures are soaring, giving the retail sector the much needed boost.
"The first quarter of 2010 was very healthy for us compared to 2009, and we had an increase in sales by over 22 per cent compared to the same period last year," Jimmy Patel, General Manager, Jacky's Electronics told. "We, as retailers, feel confident moving forward now compared to 2009. I believe that the UAE is now slowly but surely recovering from the global financial turmoil and it is critical that retailers, together with the mall developers, work more closely to create opportunities and continue with their offerings to the consumers who is now more in a 'will buy' mindset than the earlier one of 'no buy' where the emphasis was on saving than spending," he said.

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